Collaboration in a task force to
develop new organisation forms of vocational colleges in “Leverkusen” and the “Rheinisch-Bergischer-Kreis” from 2014 to 2016
Participating in quality management at vocational colleges in 2008
Member of the vocational education board “Bonn-Rhein-Sieg” focussing on so called waiting loops in managing the transition from school to job; 2006 – 2014
Collaboration in a regional task force “Bonn-Rhein-Sieg” focussing on so called waiting loops in managing the transition from school to job; 2011 – 2014
Member of the examination board at the ministry of interior (State North-Rhine-Westphalia), concerning the professions of Geo-informatics and Land surveying; 1988 - 2013
Member of the examination board at the cologne regional government concerning the professions of Geo-informatics and Land surveying; 1985 - 2013